BRATTLEBORO — The town has become just the third community in the country to be certified as a Quality Youth Development (QYD) Community, and adults and young people alike are enjoying a newfound bond.

A steering committee, made up of mostly local youth, spearheaded the project through Building a Positive Community (BAPC) to improve their community and make it more accessible and welcoming for kids and teens of all backgrounds.

Businesses deemed welcoming to young people receive special signs that read “Youth Are Welcome!”

“What a great feeling to know the downtown community is succeeding at welcoming the youth of our towns,” said Stephanie Bonin, executive director of the Downtown Brattleboro Alliance (DBA). “We need and want [youth] to be part of the success of Brattleboro, and so I look forward to seeing more stickers go up in windows!”

“I am listening, and DBA programming will continue to ask the question of how can we give the younger generation a voice at the table, how can we ensure we are inviting participation?” Bonin said. “Lead away!”

Read full story: Amplifying young voices (